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Under the Sewerage and Drainage Act, Qualified Persons (QPs) are required to submit detailed building plans to PUB for clearance related to any building and structural works. This is necessary to minimise flood risk to developments to safeguard public health and water resources, and to protect the integrity of the public sewerage system and public drainage system during construction works.

Before Sewerage, Sanitary and Drainage works can proceed, the QP shall obtain PUB’s Development Control (DC) clearance in compliance with the broad planning parameters for the project, and PUB’s Detailed Plan (DP) clearance for the detailed design of the various works in compliance with the respective PUB Codes of Practices. Upon completion of works, QPs shall apply for PUB’s clearances for Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP)/Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC).

QPs re to refer to resources provided like Codes of Practice and Standard Drawings and Guides and Handbooks in the developing plans and construction.

Simplified Submission

Simplified Submissions allow for reduced processing time for simple projects. The QP may lodge the Simplified Submission (SS) and receive a system generated acknowledgement within a day.

SS is a lodgement based on the QP's declaration. QP is reminded to check thoroughly before making submission for the project. Upon request by PUB, the QP may be required to provide his plans for audit. For proposal that does not meet any of the SS criteria, DC submission shall be made.

Upon completion of work, QP is required to make a submission for PUB TOP/CSC clearance.

Simplified Submission Criteria

A SS may be submitted for Sewerage and Sanitary works and/or Drainage works if the project meets the following criteria:

A) A&A works to single landed residential house, factory (excluding workers' dormitory) or shops (excluding food shops or food establishments). The proposal involves only construction works/activities within the existing building, which comply with the following:

  • New or alteration to the sanitary facilities and sanitary pipes fully comply with the Code of Practice on Sewerage and Sanitary
  • No building/structure above public sewer or within public sewer setback
  • No change to drainline connection to public sewer
  • No new or alteration of existing on-site facilities such as retention tank, holding tank and sewerage treatment plant (STP)
  • No used water pumping system (M&E)
  • For factories (excluding workers’ dormitories) or shops (excluding food shops or food establishments) only, total discharge of used water will not exceed 2 litres/second

B) New erection or reconstruction of single landed residential house, such as single unit of terrace house, semi-detached house, bungalow. The proposal meets the following criteria:

  • Does not have public sewer or combined sanitary drainline within the lot
  • Reuse existing drain-line connection which is connected to the public sewer located at public area. (excluding cases involving reuse of existing drainline connection to neighbour’s inspection chamber)
  • No new sewer
  • No new or alteration of existing on-site facilities such as retention tank, holding tank and sewerage treatment plant (STP)
  • No used water pumping system (M&E)

C) Erection of external structures such as covered linkway, bus shelter, pedestrian overhead bridge

  • Proposed works are not within public sewer setback

Project (minor/A&A works) shall meet the following criteria1:

  • No reconstruction of the first storey
  • No linkages to special underground facilities
  • Not affecting public drain (i.e. at least 300mm away from the drain wall)
  • Not within Drainage Reserve
  • No common drain adjacent to or within the development

1Not affecting the previously approved crest protection level for basement(s) and does not introduce new/additional openings to basement(s)

Examples of eligible minor/A&A projects are:

  • Construction of additional floors without reconstructing the first storey and where there are no linkages to special underground facilities
  • Internal upgrading works such as internal staircase, lift installation/upgrading (without basement), doors, partitions, floor/wall finishes and other similar architectural fittings
  • Addition or alteration to:

▪ The architectural or interior floor layout of the building;

▪ The void decks of HDB residential blocks such as education centre, study centre, childcare centre, day activity centre (disabled/senior citizens), and RC centre;

▪ External structures such as canopy, awning, booth, kiosk, bicycle rack, covered linkways (within development site) and other similar amenities;

▪ Single landed residential houses involving rear extension without affecting previously approved platform level2; and

▪ Internal drainage system without addition of new or relocation of existing discharge point(s) to the public drainage system


2For A&A to single landed residential houses, the QP shall comply with the minimum platform level as a protection measure to reduce flood risk. If the minimum platform level cannot be complied with due to site constraints or other technical reasons, the owner/developer shall make the following endorsement on the building plan - “The Owner/Developer has given due consideration to PUB’s advice on the minimum platform level and is aware that the lower existing/proposed platform level may subject the development to flood risks."

A) A&A works to single landed residential house, factory (excluding workers' dormitory) or shops (excluding food shops or food establishments). The proposal involves only construction works/activities within the existing building, which comply with the following:

  • New or alteration to the sanitary facilities and sanitary pipes fully comply with the Code of Practice on Sewerage and Sanitary
  • No building/structure above public sewer or within public sewer setback
  • No change to drainline connection to public sewer
  • No new or alteration of existing on-site facilities such as retention tank, holding tank and sewerage treatment plant (STP)
  • No used water pumping system (M&E)
  • For factories (excluding workers’ dormitories) or shops (excluding food shops or food establishments) only, total discharge of used water will not exceed 2 litres/second

B) New erection or reconstruction of single landed residential house, such as single unit of terrace house, semi-detached house, bungalow. The proposal meets the following criteria:

  • Does not have public sewer or combined sanitary drainline within the lot
  • Reuse existing drain-line connection which is connected to the public sewer located at public area. (excluding cases involving reuse of existing drainline connection to neighbour’s inspection chamber)
  • No new sewer
  • No new or alteration of existing on-site facilities such as retention tank, holding tank and sewerage treatment plant (STP)
  • No used water pumping system (M&E)

C) Erection of external structures such as covered linkway, bus shelter, pedestrian overhead bridge

  • Proposed works are not within public sewer setback

Project (minor/A&A works) shall meet the following criteria1:

  • No reconstruction of the first storey
  • No linkages to special underground facilities
  • Not affecting public drain (i.e. at least 300mm away from the drain wall)
  • Not within Drainage Reserve
  • No common drain adjacent to or within the development

1Not affecting the previously approved crest protection level for basement(s) and does not introduce new/additional openings to basement(s)

Examples of eligible minor/A&A projects are:

  • Construction of additional floors without reconstructing the first storey and where there are no linkages to special underground facilities
  • Internal upgrading works such as internal staircase, lift installation/upgrading (without basement), doors, partitions, floor/wall finishes and other similar architectural fittings
  • Addition or alteration to:

▪ The architectural or interior floor layout of the building;

▪ The void decks of HDB residential blocks such as education centre, study centre, childcare centre, day activity centre (disabled/senior citizens), and RC centre;

▪ External structures such as canopy, awning, booth, kiosk, bicycle rack, covered linkways (within development site) and other similar amenities;

▪ Single landed residential houses involving rear extension without affecting previously approved platform level2; and

▪ Internal drainage system without addition of new or relocation of existing discharge point(s) to the public drainage system


2For A&A to single landed residential houses, the QP shall comply with the minimum platform level as a protection measure to reduce flood risk. If the minimum platform level cannot be complied with due to site constraints or other technical reasons, the owner/developer shall make the following endorsement on the building plan - “The Owner/Developer has given due consideration to PUB’s advice on the minimum platform level and is aware that the lower existing/proposed platform level may subject the development to flood risks."

Deviation from Code of Practice

QPs shall obtain PUB’s approval for the deviations from Code of Practice by providing all the relevant technical information (such as photos, drawings and plans).

QPs who do not follow the correct process and procedure may encounter delays in the processing of their submission when the case is rejected due to non-compliance.

More about the Building Plan Submission Process