At PUB, sustainability is central to our mission – to ensure a sustainable water supply for Singapore, tame stormwater and protect her coastline from rising sea levels.
As one of the most water stressed countries in the world with limited land and resources, a sustainable approach towards water use and planning has always been inherent in our DNA.
From the diversification of our water sources through our Four National Taps (local catchment, imported water, NEWater and desalinated water), innovation to harness and reuse every drop of water, to partnerships with public and private sectors to conserve and protect this precious resource, we have pursued water sustainability and resilience since the formation of PUB in 1963.
With the threats and impact of climate change becoming increasingly pronounced, we have also stepped up efforts to address new challenges, especially in the areas of climate change adaptation and reduction of our carbon footprint.
PUB’s sustainability framework sets out the focus areas premised on four main pillars to ensure that PUB continues to deliver our mission responsibly. They are: (1) Water and Sustainable Management; (2) Capable and Engaged Workforce; (3) Strong Partnerships; and (4) Business Excellence. This framework serves to guide PUB forward, as we strive to be a responsible and trusted public agency contributing to our nation-wide sustainability movement under the Singapore Green Plan 2030.