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Understanding climate change and flash floods

Climate change is causing more frequent and extreme rain events. Sudden and more intense storms can temporarily overwhelm our drainage systems, resulting in flash floods. While PUB’s flood management measures have alleviated flood risks in Singapore over the years, it is impossible to eliminate floods entirely. As weather patterns become more erratic, your response matters!

Play a part to help yourself and your community by getting Flood-Wise.

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We can't control the weather, but we can control our response

Make the wise choice. Equip yourself with the latest updates on heavy rain and flash floods around the island and become more informed, better prepared and in control this monsoon season.

Take the wise path! Get Flood-Wise whether you're a


Learn how to keep your feet dry with these helpful tips!

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This way to drier roads! And know what to do if you’re caught in a flood.

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Follow these steps to keep floods far from your door.

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Business and Building Owner

It’s good business to stay flood-free!

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How Flood-Wise are you? 🤔 


Take the quiz and find out!


Awww... You're a Flood-Wise Noob!

Nice, you’re a Flood-Wise Pro! 

Wow, you’re a Flood-Wise Guru! 

There’s a lot for you to learn about being ready in case of a flash flood! Start by checking out some flood safety tips. 

You know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from flash floods. But can you be a Guru? 

Congratulations! Any higher and you’ll be one with the weather. Do remember to help your neighbours and those around you if they need help being Flood-wise. 

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Flood-Wise Drives Just Got Better!

Stand a chance to win S$100 when you get spotted with a Flood-Wise Drive car decal displayed on your vehicle between 2 to 22 December 2024! Terms and conditions apply.

Front of Flood-Wise Drive car decal
Front of Flood-Wise Drive car decal
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Take the path to wisdom

Stay in the know so you can be one step ahead of heavy rain and even flash floods. Get reliable and timely updates on heavy rain, locations with flood risk and more. Get Flood-Wise now!

Learn more about flood resilience

At PUB, we manage Singapore's flood risks holistically.