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Water Efficiency Fund

PUB launched the Water Efficiency Fund (WEF) in 2007 to encourage organisations to seek out efficient and innovative ways to manage their water demand. From 1 July 2023, PUB has enhanced the funding to further encourage companies to seek continuous improvement in water efficiency to ensure a sustainable growth in long-term water demand in Singapore.

From companies intending to conduct water efficiency assessment to identify potential areas to improve water efficiency in their premises, to companies that are exploring feasibility of recycling projects and, companies who would like to implement recycling projects or adopt water efficient equipment, the funding categories would cover all stages from exploratory to actual implementation and co-fund projects that would enable companies to conserve water and improve water efficiency in their premises. The table below summarises the eligibility criteria of the various funding categories:

Name of Project Description of Funding Programme Eligibility Criteria
Water Efficiency Assessment Water audit carried out for the premises to monitor and identify opportunities for improvement in water efficiency
  • Premises with monthly water consumption1,2 of at least 1,000m3
Pilot Study
Implementation of small-scale pilot recycling plant to determine the feasibility of implementing the project / technology on full-scale basis
  • Premises with monthly water consumption1,2 of at least 1,000m3
  • At least 10% water savings OR annual water savings of at least 6,000m3
Recycling / Use of Alternate Sources of Water
Implementation of full-scale recycling plant for realisation of water savings
Adoption of Water Efficient Equipment
Realisation of water savings with the use of water efficient equipment or through adopting water efficient processes
  • Premises with minimum monthly water consumption1,2 of at least 1,000m3
  • Annual water savings of at least 1,200m3

1 Monthly water consumption includes consumption of Potable Water (PW)/ NEWater (NW) and Industrial Water (IW) based on last 6 months of water bills.

2 For individual premises with monthly consumption each of less than 1000m3, customers can choose to apply for this fund collectively.

To find out more details of the funding categories, you can download the Application Form here.


Applicants are encouraged to discuss the proposed projects with PUB prior to submitting an application.

WEF Administrator
Water Supply Network Department
PUB, Environment Building
40 Scotts Road #15-01
Singapore 228231