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Floods can occur suddenly, and quick response time is crucial. We have a fleet of up to 13 Flood Response Vehicles (QRTs) equipped with features such as a GPS tracker and a pan-tilt-zoom camera to stream real-time vehicle location and flood conditions on the road to our Joint Operations Centre (JOC). These enable our officers at the JOC to monitor incidents in real-time and deploy our vehicles swiftly.

During heavy rain events, our QRTs are deployed to potential flood locations to keep the public out of harm’s way. The vehicles, with their mounted LED signs and blinker lights, are also able to drive through higher floodwaters of up to 700 millimetres to close off flooded road sections and divert traffic. Flood protection devices, such as portable flood barriers and inflatable flood bags, stored in the vehicles can be quickly deployed to divert water away from roads or residents’ homes.