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No water fitting can be supplied, displayed, offered or advertised for use in water service installations in Singapore unless it has been tested to PUB’s Stipulation of Standards and Requirements for Water Fittings for Use in Potable Service Installations (also known as PUB S&R). This includes pipes, pipe fittings, valves, water storage tanks, taps and mixers, dual-flush low-capacity flushing cisterns, flush valves, rubber gaskets, materials in contact with water and many more. Compliance with these standards ensures that the water fittings do not impact water quality, cause water wastage and are reliable for use.


Certain water fittings and appliances must be registered under the Mandatory Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (MWELS) before they can be supplied, displayed, offered or advertised in Singapore. Suppliers, manufacturers, importers, parallel importers and retailers need to register the water fittings and appliances under MWELS.


For more information on WELS registration, please refer to the Mandatory WELS section below.

Mandatory Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme

Water fittings such as taps and mixers, dual-flush low-capacity flushing cisterns and urinal flush valves/waterless urinals are required to be labelled under the Mandatory Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) before they can be offered, displayed or advertised for sale and installation in Singapore. 

From 1 Jan 2022, the Mandatory WELS shall be extended to include WC flush valves with a flush volume of not more than 4.0 litres per flush, and only WC flush valves of 2-ticks ratings or more shall be allowed for supply. From 1 Jan 2023, WC flush valves installed at premises shall be of minimum 2-ticks or more under the Mandatory WELS.

From 1 Jan 2022, only commercial washer extractors, commercial dishwashers and high-pressure washers that are registered under the Mandatory WELS and fulfil the mandatory water efficiency requirements shall be allowed for supply in Singapore.

All water fittings including WELS products shall be tested to comply with the standards and requirements stipulated by PUB.

With effect from 1 April 2018, Certification Bodies accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) under CT19-SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme) will be processing the applications and submitting them to PUB for WELS registration.

How to Apply

  1. Suppliers, retailers, sellers, importers, manufacturers, parallel importers, retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors or any interested companies must be a Singapore-based company registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore.

  2. Products shall be tested by an accredited test laboratory1. For more information on testing, please contact the following test laboratories:
    • Setsco Services Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Laboratory Services Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Test Lab Pte Ltd
    • TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd
    • Nutek 

  3. With the completed test reports, applicants shall submit their application to an accredited certification body (CB)2 for WELS for product certification. Applicants may approach the following accredited CBs:
    • Intertek Testing Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    • TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd
    • SGS Testing & Control Services Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Setsco Services Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Laboratory Services Pte Ltd
    • UL International-Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Centre Testing International Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Test Lab Pte Ltd
    • Nutek Systems (SG) Pte. Ltd

  4. All applications for WELS registration shall be submitted by the accredited CB. The CB shall submit all the documents as stated in the WELS Guidebook.

  5. PUB will update the appointed applicant on the application status.

  6. If the registration is successful,
    • PUB will send a soft copy of the WELS label to the accredited CB within 7 working days.
    • The accredited CB shall then issue the label to their applicant within 7 working days.
    • The product will be registered under WELS and published on the WELS Products webpage.

  7. Suppliers shall print the labels in accordance with PUB’s specifications and affix them onto the products or on their packaging for display.

1Accredited test laboratories refer to test laboratories accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) or its Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) partners. Refer to SAC’s website for more details on the local accredited test laboratories and SAC’s MRA partners.

2Accredited CBs refer to certification bodies accredited by SAC under CT19 – SAC’s Criteria for Certification Bodies (Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme). Refer to SAC's website for details of the products that can be certified by these accredited CBs.

All water fittings including WELS products shall be tested to comply with the standards and requirements stipulated by PUB.

With effect from 1 April 2018, Certification Bodies accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) under CT19-SAC Criteria for Certification Bodies (Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme) will be processing the applications and submitting them to PUB for WELS registration.

How to Apply

  1. Suppliers, retailers, sellers, importers, manufacturers, parallel importers, retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors or any interested companies must be a Singapore-based company registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore.

  2. Products shall be tested by an accredited test laboratory1. For more information on testing, please contact the following test laboratories:
    • Setsco Services Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Laboratory Services Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Test Lab Pte Ltd
    • TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd
    • Nutek 

  3. With the completed test reports, applicants shall submit their application to an accredited certification body (CB)2 for WELS for product certification. Applicants may approach the following accredited CBs:
    • Intertek Testing Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    • TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd
    • SGS Testing & Control Services Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Setsco Services Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Laboratory Services Pte Ltd
    • UL International-Singapore Pte Ltd
    • Centre Testing International Pte Ltd
    • Singapore Test Lab Pte Ltd
    • Nutek Systems (SG) Pte. Ltd

  4. All applications for WELS registration shall be submitted by the accredited CB. The CB shall submit all the documents as stated in the WELS Guidebook.

  5. PUB will update the appointed applicant on the application status.

  6. If the registration is successful,
    • PUB will send a soft copy of the WELS label to the accredited CB within 7 working days.
    • The accredited CB shall then issue the label to their applicant within 7 working days.
    • The product will be registered under WELS and published on the WELS Products webpage.

  7. Suppliers shall print the labels in accordance with PUB’s specifications and affix them onto the products or on their packaging for display.

1Accredited test laboratories refer to test laboratories accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) or its Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) partners. Refer to SAC’s website for more details on the local accredited test laboratories and SAC’s MRA partners.

2Accredited CBs refer to certification bodies accredited by SAC under CT19 – SAC’s Criteria for Certification Bodies (Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme). Refer to SAC's website for details of the products that can be certified by these accredited CBs.

Requirements on Advertisements 

No person shall advertise a water fitting for supply, unless the water fitting has been tested for compliance with the standards and requirements stipulated by PUB. This applies to all water fittings.

For water fittings and appliances under WELS, no person shall advertise them unless the water fittings and appliances have been registered under the scheme. They shall be affixed with WELS label or the label information. 

The requirements for sale and supply of water fittings and appliances apply to physical retail shops and suppliers’ showrooms, including online portals or resellers, as long as the fittings are for supply (i.e. display, offer-for-sale, advertise, loan, lease, consignment, hire or hire-purchase) in Singapore.

Water Fittings Registration and Information System

The Water Fittings Registration and Information System is a programme launched by the Singapore Sanitary Ware Importers & Exporters Association (SSWIEA) in late 2021. This registration system allows SSWIEA to assist and facilitate in the checking for compliance of water fittings to ensure that these products have been fully tested to PUB’s requirements.

The list of products published in SSWIEA’s website is for industry’s reference, and should not be in any way deemed as products being approved by PUB.

For more information, please refer to SSWIEA’s website on water fittings registration.


PUB conducts checks and surveillances on both physical premises supplying water fittings and online portals, and will not hesitate to take strict enforcement action against parties who do not comply with PUB’s requirements and regulations.