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PUB seeks collaborations with industry partners to test innovative technologies or solutions in the form of small-scale Proof-of-Concept (POC) and Proof-of-Value (POV) projects (i.e. no more than $90,000 and up to 12 months).

Interested parties may refer to the Open Project(s) below and submit proposals for evaluation by the deadline indicated.

Open Projects

Project Title Contact Person  Application Closing Date Submission Link 

MS Office Outlook Add-in for Phishing email detection using machine learning 16/12/2024  Form Sg Link

Past Projects - Closed


Using 3D Visualisation and Video Analytics (VA) for maintenance supervision and monitoring of safety issues within Seawater Reverse Osmosis Membranes (SWRO) of Tuas Desalination Plant (TDP)

PUB is exploring the use of a 3D Visualisation platform that provides a virtual twin of the plant process areas and a seamless live-view experience of the plant areas for supervision and monitoring purposes. The aim is to remotely inspect the plant process areas, which are usually unmanned, and improve the timeliness of identifying issues in the plants. PUB is keen to conduct Proof-of-Concept (POC) to demonstrate the solution in PUB’s environment and showcase the capabilities.

The POC would be done at TDP, focussing on one part of the plant - the Seawater Reverse Osmosis Membranes (SWRO) area. There are 9 SWRO trains at TDP that have a clearance of less than 2 metres between them and are stacked vertically to a height of 10 metres. During routine inspections, TDP engineers would look out for issues such as leaks that would collect at the bottom stack and floor area. As leaks might originate at the upper stack or the internal compartment, they pose significant challenges for TDP engineers to identify them. Often engineers will require access to a raised platform or peer into congested spaces to identify the source of the leak. PUB is looking for a solution that aids plant engineers in doing their work more efficiently and safely. 

What we are looking for

PUB is seeking for POC with an assessment period of 3 months, where a 3D Visualisation platform would be created for PUB to try out their use cases with the following features:

a. Scan and render an interactive 3D model for the plant process area containing 1 train of SWRO at various heights.

b. Allow users to create clickable links on the 3D model that shows static equipment and maintenance information (e.g last servicing date) and replicated instrument readings (e.g flow rate) and equipment operating status.

c. Deploy 4K resolution 360 cameras and stitch their live video footages into a seamless real-time walkthrough of the plant areas that would be necessary to cover the area well and provide good visual details for user to conduct detailed visual inspection of the SWRO train in detail. Any cameras and recording servers for the POC shall be installed at TDP on lease.

d. Deploy VA applications to detect issues such as workers in prolonged proximity within high-risk areas.

With the 3D Visualisation platform and live video stitching, PUB engineers would be able to inspect the SWRO virtually, improving their safety. In addition, engineers will be able to leverage VA and clickable links to carry out their routine inspection more efficiently and effectively. 

MS Office Outlook Add-in for Phishing Email Detection using Machine Learning

PUB is exploring an advanced Outlook add-in that enhances email security by providing automated detection and notification of potential phishing and malicious emails. The aim is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of identifying and managing email-based threats, reducing reliance on individual user vigilance.

PUB is keen to conduct a Proof-of-Concept (POC) to demonstrate the solution in PUB's environment and showcase its capabilities. The POC would be implemented across PUB's email system, focusing on incoming emails to all PUB users. The existing process relies heavily on user initiative to report suspicious email through an existing Microsoft Outlook plugin. Please note that the solution shall not require any software installation or configuration on the Email Server. PUB is looking for a solution that aids in detecting and managing email threats more efficiently and comprehensively.  

What we are looking for

PUB is seeking a Proof-of-Concept with an assessment period of 12 months, where an advanced Outlook add-in would be customized for 50 PUB users to test out the use cases with the following features:

a. Implement a machine learning engine to proactively evaluate incoming emails, swiftly identifying potential threats.

b. Mark suspicious emails with distinct visual warnings and labels directly inthe message, alerting users to potential risks.

c. Once a malicious email is confirmed, automatically identify and mark similar threats across all PUB inboxes, streamlining the verification and broadcasting process.

d. Deployed on-prem central server to collect data from users' reported emails via add-in, enabling PUB IDTD Cyber officers to monitor phishing/malicious activity via a comprehensive dashboard. No data shall be allowed to be exported out of PUB.

e. Create an interface for PUB IDTD Cyber officers to easily review, categorize, and manage flagged emails, enhancing overall threat management.

With this advanced Outlook add-in, PUB aims to significantly enhance its email security posture. The solution will reduce reliance on individual user vigilance, provide faster and more comprehensive threat detection, and streamline the process of alerting all affected PUB officers. This approach has the potential to greatly diminish the risk associated with phishing attempts and improve PUB's overall cybersecurity effectiveness.